Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I hate it when you have those moments of Stink, was that really a word, or did I just make that up? when you're talking to people. Particularly people to whom you want to give a professional impression.

Take, for instance, my comment this afternoon: "So it's OK that this is stricken and not deleted, correct?" Instantly I began my mental scramble
Is "stricken" really a word? Yes, it is a word just not a common one. Aaaugh! So did I use it incorrectly? Do they think I'm an uneducated boor now?

My mental anguish continued for several minutes until I realized I was just standing there looking dumb. I shook myself, said something brilliant like, "OK. So it's fine that they're stricken. I'll make the copies", and then whisked myself out of the office.

Immediately I got on and looked up "stricken" just to be sure that I was correct. Yes, it is a word and I did use it correctly.


  1. I constantly worry if I'm using words correctly! I try not to let it get to me to the point I stop talking but it has happened from time to time. What I really don't enjoy though is being with a group of super intelligent people who keep using words I don't understand so I can't even join in the conversation :( Thats what people should worry about doing! Excluding people!

  2. Wouldn't worry about making words up. I do it all the time. Its cool, unless you're trying to explain the complex workings of why ones laptop has stopped working when, the customer is indeed, Finish, and doesn't speak or understand English overly well.


  3. My boss has her Ph.D. in it makes me nervous!
