Thursday, November 09, 2006

Oh Dear

My greatest paranoia when I wear khakis is that I've sat in chocolate and nobody has bothered to tell me.

Perhaps this is because once, when I was wearing a pair of dark denim jeans, I sat in chocolate and nobody told me until quite a long time after the fact. What made it worse was that I forgot by the time I got home, put the jeans in my drawer and wore them again before washing it out.

I'm not sure how I sat on chocolate in the first place, but work with me.

If chocolate is visible on dark denim jeans, it certainly would be visible on khakis. Every time I get up during the day, I have this overwhelming feeling of "What if?!" until I sit back down again. If there were a floor-length mirror in the restroom that would be one thing, but there isn't.

Anyway, I'm sitting down at the moment and I just happened to feel something scratchy on my pants. (I can't tell yet if it's chocolate.) At least it's on the leg, but I've been too scared to actually stand up and survey the damage. Besides, I just went to the bathroom. They're going to think I have problems if I go every 10 minutes.

I really hope it isn't chocolate.

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