Thursday, November 09, 2006


I like cows. I have a stash of them at work and a stash of them at home. I do not, however, decorate my house in a cow motif. That creeps me out.

Mom got me this amazing finger puppet of a cow last year. She figured I could use it when I taught children's church or whatnot. I named him Stink. (Sorry, Dad, but it's true: cows stink).

Stink is really cute and, as I was writing my lesson for Youth Group, I determined that I would use Stink, and some of my other cows from my collection, to try to demonstrate holiness. (I'm not sure if it really worked, there was lots of giggling.)

When Joey and I got home and I started digging the cows out of the bag. Henry caught a glimpse of Stink and he ran right over.

Stink really, really ticked off Henry. He wanted nothing more than to knock Stink to the ground and chew on him for a super long time.

He finally whacked him enough (his paw is all fuzzy in the second picture) and figured he deserved to munch on Stink. So I let him have a few chews.
We're not really sure why Henry is so obsessed with Stink...maybe it's because Henry stinks?

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