Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Reason For Whycomes We Lost

Last night's elections didn't go so well. Our party got trounced and, I must say, it's quitedemoralizing. Joey, Henry and I all voted (well, Henry sat outside while I voted) so at least we did our civic duty.

Alex (aka The Kid, Coolguy and The Little Man), however, did not.

The Kid turned 18 last Thursday, five days before the election. He was unable to register to vote, though, because you have to be something like 17 1/2 to register, or 11 days before the election. We decided we'd blame any of our party's losses on The Kid since he didn't vote.

Most likely it's probably my parent's fault that The Kid didn't vote and, thus, we lost seats, but it's more fun to blame The Kid. (My parents didn't realize he had to be registered 11 days before the election.) I suppose I could make my mom feel real sad if I keep blaming them, though, so I won't.

Don't be sad, Mom!

The Kid, this is all your fault for not voting! I expect large cash donations and Krispy Kremes to make up for this terrible loss and all the subsequent emotional duress. (I'm not sure what large cash donations will do for the "emotional duress", but it was all I could think up on short notice.)

So get on that.

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