Monday, December 18, 2006

Holy Cow

I am responsible for the district's Christmas open house.  Last week, Hy Vee lost my cookie order.

I placed the order again on Thursday.  I was fairly confident that this one would not get lost, despite the holes that were the size of pennies in the guy's earlobes.  My confidence waned as the days progressed.  I throughly expected to show up at Hy Vee and have them say "What?  Cookies?"

An ambulence sat in the parking lot when I drove in.  Already this did not bode well.

The bakery was in a tizzy.  There were four people running around behind the counter frantically, and three people who were waiting to be helped.  I made a fourth.

The frazzled lady behind the counter looked at me and said, "May I help you?"  I told her my name and what I needed.  She looked a little worried, but started trying to find my cookies nonetheless.

Then she called me closer.

"The lady who was frosting your cookies passed out, so they're not ready yet."  She gestured to the EMTs in the corner who were surrounding a pale lady who was seated facing the wall.  "Can you come back in half an hour?"

"Sure," I said.  I had some touch-up painting to do at home anyway, since we're moving and all.  I came back in half an hour and my cookies were frosted and ready to go.

Now, you must admit that in a backwards sort of way, that's hilarious.  Come on.  How many times do stores lose your order and then not have it ready to be picked up because the person working on it passed out?

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