Monday, December 18, 2006

Why I May Need Therapy

Two months ago when Joey and I decided to move, we laid out a Plan.  (Our adventures are never complete without at least a four step Plan.)  As we were filling in dates on the calendar, I remember thinking, Are we insane to be trying to squeeze all this into so many days?  Am I going to have a nervous breakdown and need therapy? 

The answers to those questions would be, "Yes" and "YES!!", respectively.

Our Plan has gotten tigher on time and more complicated as the days go by.  Drama, drama, drama.  (But hey, there's nothing wrong with losing, like 10 libs from all the stress, right?  I seriously think I lost about two this weekend.) 

Yesterday's version of the Plan was: Tuesday--Joey's last day; Wednesday--Jenna's last day; Thursday--go to Cedar Rapids; Friday--drive to Indianapolis; Saturday-Sunday--stay in Indianapolis and try not to stress out (hopefully the spa's not closed for the winter); Monday--drive back to Ankeny; Tuesday--load the van and drive all night; Wednesday--paint the new apartment. Thursday--unload the truck and move in.

Mom "The Packing Machine" Laird came on Friday and Saturday.  We began our packing at 9:00 a.m.  Seven hours later there was a stack of boxes that is taller than me (granted, not that hard to do) in the place where the Christmas tree used to be, the microwave was sitting on the floor, the toaster was on the bookshelf in the living room next to the coffee maker, and I was no longer certain I had a kitchen table.  (If seeing is believing and whatnot.)

My house is messier than it has ever been, even before I stopped ironing Joey's shirts last week.

Sunday was a total packing loss since we left at 8 a.m. and didn't return home until 9:30 p.m.  My kitchen is not fully packed, our clothes are not packed, we are not packed for our trip to Indi, the bathroom's not packed, and we have a bunch of stuff on the coffee table that I'm not sure what to do with.  I just keep walking past it, stopping and staring, then shaking my head and moving on.  Out of sight, out of mind?

I was unable to sleep last night.  All I could think about was "how am I going to get this house all packed up in the eight evening hours I have between now and Thursday!

Unfortunately, I didn't feel miserable enough to call in sick. 

Joey agreed with me to alter the Plan so that I can take Wednesday as a vacation day. We'll have a whole day together to run last minute errands, like buying paint!.  (Someone informed me of a store that sells used microwave trays for $1, so we're pretty much going to go see if we can find one for our microwave so that I can get out of the doghouse.)

Hopefully I don't need therapy, because our insurance won't be active for three months once we move.

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