Friday, December 15, 2006

I Am 31

Randomly, while I was walking across the parking lot, I remembered a dream I had last night or the night before.  It was pretty awesome. 

Unfortunately, I can't remember much about it except for something about Joey and I lived in Texas and I was trying to get a job.  One of the questions in the interview was "How old are you?" (Naturally nobody can ask that in an interview, but play along.)

I kind of wiggled around in my chair and said, "24."

The two suits interviewing me looked down their noses and said to each other, "Gosh, I just don't believe that.  She totally looks 31.  At least."

I couldn't decide whether that was a compliment or an insult.  (The more I think about it, the more I decide it was probably an insult.  There's nothing worse than getting insulted in your own dream.)  In real life, I probably won't be mistaken for 31 until I'm at least 40.  So until then I'll have to settle for being asked if I'm over 18 or not.

In other news, I was walking in one of our schools the other day and there were four junior highers laying on the floor in the hallway talking about something, assumedly, naughty.  They scuffled around and whispered (not very quietly) "Shhh!  Shh!  A teacher!"

I considered looking down my glasses at them but, opted not to.

I did think to myself, "Ching!  They actually thought I was a teacher and not a high schooler they've never seen before like usual!"

Ahh, the joys of having a baby face.

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