Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Country Bumpkin Strikes Again

I was making my morning breakfast (but I was not at home), when a very kind gentleman came to introduce himself to me. As I am new, few people actually know who I am.
He, it turned out, has been here for about a year and enjoys it very much.  We visited for about five minutes before I decided to stir my egg that I'd been making in the microwave.
My fork caught the side of the paper bowl and, before I had a chance to blink, egg particles sprayed all over the kitchen.
Mostly landing on this nice, new gentleman who I had JUST met.
I wanted to die.
I apologized all over the place, but he was very nice.  The poor guy left the egg on his pants until I turned around to leave. I suppose he didn't want to humiliate me further?
Anyway, I come across like I was born to be on a farm in the middle of nowhere.  I'd probably fit in better.

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