Wednesday, January 24, 2007

"Mom, why does the freezer smell like Windex?"

Joey and I ran over to the ghetto-partment tonight to clean it before we turn in our keys (glory, hallelujah!). We got there at about 7:30 (a half hour later than I originally planned, but it's good for the Type A side of me to get Type B'd) and began to "clean" with a vengance.

When we moved in last month, there were tacks painted into the carpet (we found them by stepping on them. OW!!), strange creepies things in the refrigerator, dust on every surface (particularly in the bathrooms), and crumbs in the cupboards.

Needless to say, I wasn't holding myself up to any high standard as we "cleaned" tonight. I brought along Windex, Pine-Sol and Clorox Clean-Up, a roll of paper towels, and a bunch of trash bags.

We were ready to roll.

I started in the kitchen and Joey went to the back room to clean up newspaper and tape from the painting we'd done last night. I was spraying absolutely everything down with Windex. The Clorox Clean-Up was in the other room and I didn't feel like going to get it. As long as it looked clean, it was.

I knew I'd gone a little bit too far when I opened up the freezer and started spraying Windex. It froze immediately, of course. So I threw a bunch of hot water in the freezer, wiped it out, and didn't miss a beat.

I also sprayed the refrigerator out with Windex.

An hour (and lots of Windex) later, we were finished. We took out the trash, got really creeped out by some big, tall scary guy on the way back to the car, and crossed over to the safe side of the highway.

I need a brownie. With cream cheese frosting.

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