Sunday, January 21, 2007

Curiosity Killed The Jenna

Ok, so I have to admit. I spy on my "readers".

I have this little hit counter at the bottom of my blog and, I'm proud to say, I'm over 2,000 looks in the last six months! (Go me!) Unfortunately, most of them are probably myself looking at my blog to see if anyone else has looked at it.

I'm kind of nerdy like that.

Anyway, my hit counter breaks down hits in different states, cities, and stuff. Occasionally all I get is a latitude and longitude, and that bothers me to no end. I'm the nosy, inquisitive type.

Somebody from the Wichita area looked at my blog FOUR TIMES today. Four!! Who are you, friend?! The only people I know of who live even remotely close to Wichita are Greg and Kelly and I have no idea how they'd find out about this blog.

Is it y'all?

So, I know there are other people out there who I don't know that pop by every week or so to catch up on my disasters. I want to know who you are so that we can be friends!

Send me an email, leave me a comment? I promise that I won't embarrass you in front of the six other people who actually read this blog. ;)

I'm going to go put heat on my pulled muscle now. All of you nice people leave me comments so that I can meet you!

1 comment:

  1. I take this as a free opportunity to claim the status of "nice person" as you said "All of you nice people leave me comments." So as I'm always up for free status upgrades, I decided to leave one.
    My one thought is, stop ODing on tylonol PM and ibuprophen.
