Sunday, January 21, 2007

In Which Jenna Is Rude (Joey thinks that I need to add "Beyond All Reason")

Joey and I woke up at 7:30 this morning, and my stupid shoulder STILL hurt. I was beginning to get grumpy. We decided to go to one of the urgent care clinics that opened at 8:00, so we got dressed, fed Henry, packed up and left.

We found it without a hitch. (We're starting to get good.)

We walked in and there were three people waiting already (it was 8:10 by this time), and the menu screen for Cars was looping over, and over, and over again. They'd forgotten to push play or something.

(That should have been my first clue that something was going to go wrong.)

I signed in and Joey and I sat down. After five or so minutes, the sleepy looking woman behind the counter called, "JENNA". Joey and I got up and went over.

I need to insert here that, even though I do have insurance coverage, I haven't received my cards. I attempted to get signed up last night at 1:00 a.m., but the company is only open from 8-6 on Monday-Friday. So that didn't work. But I had brought most of the paperwork, group number, and suchlike.

(An aside: Joey just came in and stole the LAST Schweppes Ginger Ale from me. I was drinking it. Jerk. And he was smiling as he did it, too. Oh good, he brought it back.)

Moving right along...

The unhappy lady behind the counter scrunched her face up at me and said, "I need your ID, driver's license, social security number, and insurance card."

(Isn't a driver's license an ID?)

I said, "Well, I just started a new job and I have insurance coverage, but I won't have the cards until next week. I have the group number and name and information, though."

She looked over the tops of her glasses at me. "I can't do anything without your insurance card unless you pay up front. It's $180 to see the doctor and you'd have to pay 80% of that."

I wilted. (On my left side; my right side won't wilt right now.) "You can't bill me and then I'd submit it to insurance?"

"No, you need pay now."

The oddest sensation came over me--I WAS GOING TO CRY!!

I decided I didn't want to talk to that grouchy lady anymore, especially if I was going to cry, so I stood there a moment longer and then, without a word, turned around and walked away.

I grabbed my purse (huffily) and marched out the door, leaving poor Joey standing there at the counter with the cranky lady. He sort of shrugged, turned and left too. (When I was sane again I felt really bad for leaving him hanging with Grouchface.)

Walking to the car I was on the verge of actual bawling (I rarely do that, though, and this didn't seem like a good enough excuse) but I managed to keep it back to just a few tears.

"IT HURTS!!!" I whined to Joey, and then proceeded to cry the entire way home.

It still hurts, but I took three ibuprofens. Joey called his mom, pops and uncle while I read pretty much the entire Healthwise handbook. We figure I probably pulled a muscle by my shoulder blade. (Although the part that hurts doesn't have much muscle on it. Wait. I don't have much muscle on me...)

And now we're going to church. I haven't brushed my hair, dryed it completely, or plan to curl it. I figure I'll just look like one of those celebrities that walks around with a birds nest for hair and everyone takes pictures of her and says she's super fashionable.

I think I may be having delusions of grandeur from all the pain.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... although I complain about our National Health Service here in the UK at least there is one major upside... for the most part its free. You don't get charged to see the doctor, you don't get charged if you have an accident and you end up in hospital. Yes you have to pay for your prescriptions after you leave hospital or any prescriptions you get from your doctor but otherwise its mostly free free free. I'm not aware my Grandma is having to pay for any of her cancer treatment or the eventual reconstructive surgery she will have. Reminds me how lucky we really are over here.
