Sunday, January 21, 2007


My shoulder/ribcage has hurt for a week. And it's hurting worse tonight.

It is now 1:00 a.m. and I can't sleep because it hurts. I'm really starting to wonder if I didn't crack a rib when we moved, or from coughing, or running into a wall. (Sometimes I run into walls.)

It doesn't hurt TOO bad if I don't move my arms, which means I can type and only feel a dull ache, which is really no different than any other low-pain times.

I have been on the internet trying to decide whether to go to the ER (as it's 1:00 a.m. no doctors are open) or to wait it out until the morning. Oh wait, it's morning already.

And then you know I'll get there and they'll say "Huh? Nothing's wrong with you, hypochondriac..."

Except it hurts SO BAD!!!

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