Monday, January 15, 2007


It's been awhile since I've posted. There are several reasons for my literary absence, but in order to properly explain myself, I must go back to Tuesday.

Joey and I were headed to Target to get something, probably groceries. I must preface this to say that we live in a pretty shady neighborhood. The longer we live here, the more shady we notice that it is...

We drove down Melody Lane towards Target and as we rounded the bend, we noticed 5 Dallas Constable cars (what's a Constable?!) and several Dallas Police cars blocking the road.

They were stopping everyone who entered and exited our street.

Joey and I glanced at each other. He began to roll the window down--all the way down. "No, no!" I hissed, "Never roll your window all the way down anymore!!" He rolled it back up until it was just open a crack.

The cop came over and asked for our license, insurance and registration. We provided them to him, he looked us over and leaned down into the window and said, "Do you guys live on this street?"

We nodded.

He sort of sighed, then leaned down to the window again. "Do me a favor and be careful, this isn't a good neighborhood."

Our hearts sank. We thanked him and then drove off.

Since then, we've been positively jumpy. I'd been jumpy before, always afraid that people would climb in our windows (there was a catwalk that went along the front windows, so it could totally have happened) or beat me down when I was taking Henry out for a walk.

After three tense days of fervent praying, we made an executive decision--WE WERE MOVING!!

Across the highway.

Friday morning I got up early and took Joey to class. Then I booked it over to the Village where I stopped in to see a friend who works as a leasing agent. The Village is a beautiful place--MUCH much safer than where we lived before, even though it's not too far away.

To make a long, long story very short, by 9:45 I had dropped off an application and by 2:30 we had been accepted as residents. Joey and I had signed papers by 4:45, we had the keys and began moving stuff in at 9:30 that evening.

On Saturday (a rainy, cold day) we moved all of our stuff with the help of Joey's two uncles and my grandparents. We had that completed by 3:00.

As you can see, it has been one thing after another since Tuesday, but more so since last Friday. We now live in a lovely 950 square foot one bedroom apartment (I know, it's HUGE), and it even has a fireplace!

Pictures are forthcoming.

Anyway, that's where I've been. And tomorrow I start my new job...

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