Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Texas Is Expensive

Since arriving in Texas not two weeks ago, I have been noticing one common theme:


First there was the small matter of painting the apartment. Back in Iowa we had gotten the square footage for our Texas apartment, and bought the paint accordingly. Much to our dismay (?), when we got here and started painting, we discovered that our ceilings were too vaulted and, thus, took more paint than we had bought.

Joey had to go to The Home Despot three times.

Then I got a job interview at a great company. I wore my suit that we had purchased in China, and things went great. Then I got called for a second interview. Unfortunately, I'd already worn my suit and I was instruced to "Not relax for the second interview". So, Sunday was spent at the mall trying to find a suit that we could afford.

We found one, in the junior's department at Macy's. Seriously, high drama.

Today we needed to get Texas driver's licenses. This, it appears, is more trouble (and cost!) than it's worth.

First, we have to pay to get the vehicle inspected. Whose idea was that?!

Then we have to pay to get the vehicle registered, plus we have to pay $90 "new resident" tax. Nothing says "Welcome to Dallas" like $180 in taxes, I'm tellin' you what.

THEN (and only then) we can get our Texas driver's licenses. And, naturally, we have 30 days to do so. We've already used up 15 of those days and, Lord willing, I start a new job on Tuesday.

Texas is so expensive...


  1. Yo, lady, write another post. Seriously... it's been for freakin' EVER!!

  2. and I thought taxes over here were crazy....

    and yes post some more :P whats your excuse? mine was a failed hard disk drive :)
