Friday, January 05, 2007


After all the drama that my cell phone has undergone in the last week and a half, I decided it was time to try to get it fixed.

Or at least try.

I figured I could pull the "Damsel in Distress" card, if need be, but I was going to try to keep it on the up-and-up. I did, after all, send my phone through the washing machine. And lose it in a parking lot on an excessively rainy day.

After one call to Verizon, I received directions to the nearest Verizon Fix-It place. Armed with our Dallas map and one working cell phone in case we got lost, Joey and I were off. We found the store quite easily.

We walked in the door and I made a beeline for the manager. I explained that it had been lost in a parking lot (leaving out the details of the water) and he took my phone apart and started poking and prodding it.

Sure enough, the left side of the keypad didn't work. He made some "hmmmmmm"ing noises and pulled up our information.

"I see you've had this phone since December 9...." He said.

I thought that seemed too soon, but agreed with him. He had the information, after all. I sort of wilted at the thought of totaling out my phone in less than a month.

"Yeah, that's weird. It shouldn't be doing that. Let me get you a new one."


I stuttered a "Sure, fine, no problem" and followed him over to the technician. Joey and I exchanged googley-eyed, shocked glances.

Not 10 minutes later, we headed out of the Verizon store with a brand new cell phone. The ringer even works! And I would have told him about the water damage if he'd asked...

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