Wednesday, February 21, 2007


We went to Target on the way home from church. (Joey decided that I needed some vanilla ice cream.)

You know the dollar section that's right as you walk in the door? This week they have these big green hats for St. Patrick's Day (when is that anyway?). I grabbed one, put it on my head, and pranced around the store with Joey.

He sort of shook his head at me as though he were trying not to laugh.

On the way out the door Joey grabbed another one of the hats, put it on his own head and said, "We're buying these."

With that, we paid for our items, put the hats on again and walked out of the store.

"We're pretty much wearing these things to pick my parents up from the airport in a couple weeks," I said.

Joey didn't disagree with me.


1 comment:

  1. Watch out, Tony might confiscate one while he is there. It is his favorite holiday.
