Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My Bad Idea

I went to the kitchen in search of grapes.
I found them with quite a bit of ease but not before I noticed something very naughty and tempting.
There was a huge stack of oatmeal raisin cookies and sugar cookies.  They were calling my name.
I glanced around to see if anyone was looking.  They weren't.  so I grabbed an oatmeal raisin cookie and stuck it under my grapes for safekeeping.
Not being able to resist, I took a bite.  It was medicore which, for an oatmeal raisin cookie, is not a good thing.  I threw it away and walked out of the kitchen.
In doing so I realized that I should have gotten a sugar cookie instead.
I'm considering going back.  No, I have made my decision. I AM going back.
Let's hope they're not all gone.

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