Sunday, February 18, 2007

This One's For The Kid

Poor, poor The Kid. He had a real rough morning.

I must preface this story by mentioning that Pops wears these plasticy things on his nose at night to "keep him from snoring". They're called Breathe-Rights and they're infamous in our house. (None of us children are convinced that the claims of said Breathe-Rights are accurate. Besides, those NFL guys wear them when they play football. Weird.)

We tend to find Breathe-Rights stuck in strange places, but most commonly on the mirror in the bathroom.

I guess they're better the second time around. Either that or Mom is making Pops be frugal. (Probably more of the latter than the former.) Mom's pretty good like that.

Back to The Kid.

This morning he got out of the shower and was drying off when he felt something odd and scratchy. He examined the towel and, to his great dismay, found a Breathe-Right stuck to the towel.

So of course he screamed.

As I was not there (thankfully), I can only assume that what happened next went something like this. The Kid attempts to get the Breathe-Right off the towel and after much struggle he succeeds. He then cannot get the Breathe-Right off his hand and is hopping around frantically in his struggle to be rid of the thing. After five or ten minutes he manages to disentangle himself from the vice-like grip of the Breathe-Right and makes it out the door to church only a few minutes late.

The Kid tells me that he finds these things all over the house lately. He's seen them on the steering wheel, seat, AND dashboard of Pops' Aurora, on the tractor (Pops has old-timey John Deere tractors), on Paul Cheshier's hat (I am not even sure I want to know how that happened) and in the shower.

Not to mention The Kid's towel.

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