Saturday, February 17, 2007

In Which Joey and Jenna Get Their Futon But Almost Die Trying

Our futon is here.

We ordered it two weeks ago from the Ashley (yay Sister!) furniture store, and they said it would be in on Monday. (That would be the two days from now Monday.) They wanted us to pay $70 to have the thing delivered, but as that was 1/3 the cost of the futon we decided we'd fetch it ourselves.

With what pickup truck, we weren't sure yet. But we weren't payin' no $70 to nobody when we could do it ourselves for free. (In theory.)

We were sitting on the couch this morning when I looked at Joey and said "Hey, why don't you call those gnomes down at the Ashley store and see if the futon's in. I bet it is and they just haven't called us yet."

Sure enough, it was.

I'll leave out the boring logistical details, but Joey dropped Stephanie and me off at the mall, he ran to his Uncle Ken's to borrow his father-in-law's Honda Odyssey and headed down to Arlington.

I have no idea where Arlington is.

Two hours later (and drama involving our oven getting left on at 500 degrees with a sweet potato inside and I was locked out so I couldn't go home and turn it off--don't ask) Joey arrived back home with the futon.

It had barely fit in the Odyssey in the first place, so it was HUGE. Not 'UGE, but actually HUGE.

He popped the back of the Odyssey and I just stared.

"Um, you think we can carry that?"

"I hope so."

I noticed the weight on the side of the box. "125 libs?! NO WAY! I can't carry that."

We had to try, though, because we had to give the van back.

"Worst case scenario is that we shove it all the way to the apartment." Joey said.

As difficult as it was to get the stupid box out of the back of the van, we determined that it was actually Worst Case Scenario. We shoved the box.

Our apartment complex is set up kind of confusing. It's really ambient and pretty, but it's not so easy for moving in. Or for shoving 125 lb boxes full of futon.

We finally made it to our apartment (with the help of some 10 year old boys...they were actually just walking along side us asking some informative questions like "Mom, what are they doing? What's in that box?" and so on) and stared at the formidable stairs.

"How in the world are we going to get it up those?" I asked.

"Um, I think we're going to roll it end over end." Joey said.

"We'll probably die."

I'm sure that anyone who was watching us could have filmed it for Funniest Home Videos and won first prize. I'm not really sure HOW we got the thing up the stairs, but we did. I can't even explain how we did it.

We got the futon out, set it up, and now can't figure out how to lay it back down. It looks nice, though. I really like it.

Before Joey took the box out I decided to see if I could fit in it. I could. I could spread my arms out and still not touch the edge. I still haven't decided if that's amazing because the box is so big, or if it's just pathetic that I'm so short.

At any rate, I think Joey and I both messed up our backs but we definitely saved $70. And I suppose I should feel good about that.

1 comment:

  1. shoulda called me. I totally woulda helped.
