Friday, February 02, 2007

It's Joey's Turn

Joey's been ringin' my phone off its hook this afternoon.  The latest call went something like this:
Joey:  Hey, what's your license plate number?
Me:  I have no clue.  Let me check.  (I dug through my purse to get the license number.  But I'm not giving it to you so I'm not putting it on the Internet.)  Why?
Joey:  I had to re-register the car at school.  There was some kind of problem with the system.
Me:  That's kind of sad.
Me:  What?
Joey:  They have the coolest parking tags at school!!!
He was obviously quite excited.
Me:  Really?  What are they?
Joey:  They're static cling!
Me:  Static cling?
Joey:  Yeah, they just stick to the window with static.  No stickers or anything!
Me:  Haven't you ever seen a static cling before?
Joey:  No....
Me:  Oh.  Well The Kid has them all over his car.
Joey:  What?!  Those are static clings?!  I thought I had just discovered something new and different...  (I could tell that he was wilting as he said those words.)
Me:  Sorry, honey...
Joey:  GOSH!
I think he'll recover; at least I really hope so. 
I think he's been hanging around with me a little bit too long because he was REALLY excited about something that's just not that big of a deal.  (If he starts squealing during Settlers of Catan when someone rolls an 8, then we've really got a problem.)

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