Friday, February 02, 2007

The Parking Break Is There For A Reason

I got home at 5:30 tonight, and I was super happy. I zipped in the house, said hi to Joey and Henry, and flopped on the couch with a book.

I didn't actually get to read much of that book, but at least I was holding it in my hand.

An hour later, after we'd fed Henry, Joey and I headed to church to go help tear out old carpet and whatnot. When we got to the parking lot, we noticed something very odd.

My car was halfway out into the parking lot.

Not where I'd left it.

We sort of stood there, scratching our heads. "Did you really park it like that?" Joey asked.

"Um, no, I don't think so...I hope not..." I muttered.

He unlocked the door and slid in. "Oh, the parking break's not on. No wonder!"

Fortunately nobody came by and plowed off the end of my poor car; that would really have been sad. When I parked my car just a moment ago I put the break on AND put it in gear.

Double precautions, you understand.

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