Saturday, February 03, 2007

Sign My Petition

My Pops is getting a new baby calf sometime this week. I am, naturally, very excited about this. (I'd be more excited if I were in the same state as the calf, but oh well.)

A year or so ago my Pops acquired the cutest calf that was little and red (aptly named Little Red by The Kid and I...) and we all liked it a lot. Unfortunately for all of us, Little Red died about a week later from lack of colustrum or something like that. Since the days of Little Red, everyone has wished that Pops would get another red (or even brown) calf. He's lacks creativity in his color choices of calves.

When I asked Dad if this new calf was going to be brown or red he said, "No, of course not. It's a Holstein and they only come in black and white." Pops only buys Holsteins. (Little Red was kind of an accident--Pops was valiantly trying to save him from death. It didn't really work; we were too late.)

Joey and I think Pops needs to get with the times. Everyone has HD-TV which, as everyone knows, is in color. Pops is stuck in the 50's with his black and white. BO-RING!! (We made a switch from cows to TV, but in our minds it totally makes sense. If you're lost, I suggest you just give up trying to track with the way our minds work.)

Additionally, Dad has issues with the way he names his calves. They generally are called such things as "9-10" or "15-16". (Pops puts a different numbered ear tag in each ear. Randy, the neighboring farmer, thinks that's weird.)

Joey talked Pops into naming the last calf 31-41 which was kind of a miracle in and of itself. It broke with Pops' numbering scheme, but we got him to do it.

(For those of you who haven't noticed yet, 31-41 is the first four digits of pi...3.141...Joey's weird.)

Since our revelation last night that Pops is stuck in the 1950s with his black-and-white cows, we want him to number/name this next calf 19-50.

So, sign my petition. The more random people we have on the petition, the better. You can either sign by emailing me at or by leaving a comment.

I have to go clean my house now. Do your civic duty for Pops' calf and sign!


  1. I hereby sign and affix my good name to this documented petition for the naming of the 1950's calf.
    -Matric Scottie

  2. name the cow 19-50!
    -Ashley Cheshier

  3. Jenna, you're quite spectacular! I just so happen to agree that naming/numbering cows in some sort of logical fashion lacks all creativity and I happen to know your family as much too good for that. I, therefore, agree wholeheartedly with your petition to appoint the newest calf 19-50.
    ~Becca Weinbrenner

  4. Jenna, you are amazing thus the cow should be 19-50
    <3 Alyssa
