Monday, February 26, 2007

Joey's Birthday

As promised, here are a few pictures from our festive celebration of Joey's birthday. It is 10:02 p.m. and I am excessively tired, so I shall try to be neither witty nor glib.

Enjoy these pictures at your leisure. Or if you don't want to, then don't. (See, I must be getting sort of grouchy too.)
This is the sweet looking cake I made for Joey. I don't like chocolate cake with chocolate frosting (unless it comes from the Cheesecake Factory), so to me it looks better than it tastes. Joey said it was kick awesome.

Joey wants cake!!
My parents and I went halves on a green iPod Shuffle for Joey which was basically his birthday dream come true. He also got a guitar book which I am too lazy to picture here. Mostly I am super tired and falling asleep at the switch.

So happy birthday Joey. And happy you for seeing the pictures of Joey's happy birthday. The end.

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