Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Somewhat Stranger Than Fiction

Joey and I were on an island.

We were there teaching school to a rancher family's children. Our home was a lovely, breezy island hut with long flowing white linen curtains and a bamboo floor.

Life was idyllic.

We were getting ready to go back to the mainland for vacation when Joey found something unusual in his desktop computer tower. (Why he was looking in there, I'll never know.)

"Look, Jenna, I found this large pixy stick full of white powder." He said. The shape of the object strongly resembled my lipstick. (I found that very odd.) "Here, look."

He opened the tube and showed me the white powder.

"GOSH, Joey, put that down! It's probably drugs or crack or something!"

He set it down quickly.

"That's odd, it looks just like the one I got from Chick-fil-A last week. I figured it was safe."

"Put it back before whoever put it in your computer realizes it's gone and tries to kill you," I told him. He quickly put the cap back on and replaced it in the computer tower.

Just as we were getting ready to leave, a bunch of armed, masked men showed up and pounded on our door demanding us to come out.

As we weren't carrying any weapons (nor would we know what to do with them if we were), we obliged.

They tied us up and started looking all over the house for that little tube of white powder.

"See?" I hissed at Joey when they weren't looking, "I told you they'd come back for it!"

We heard them talking in the next room and got very quiet so we could listen in.

"....so we can harvest their organs." One of the men said.

My eyes got very large. So did Joey's.

"Good thing we got everybody else on this island too," another one said. "We'll make a killing when we sell their organs back in the States."

Joey leaned over to me and said, "We've got to try to get out of here!"

"I know! They're going to sell our organs on eBay!" (Or something like it.)

He was just hatching a plan when the masked men came thundering back into the room where we were tired up.

And then I woke up, realized it was a dream, and was extremely glad that:
a.) Joey doesn't have crack in his computer
b.) We weren't getting our organs harvested

1 comment:

  1. Dreams can be funny things. Last night I had one where me and LB went to my sister's university for an open day (although LB is a bit beyond looking at undergraduate courses as he's about to finish his). Anyway we somehow got separated so I spent half the dream searching for him. There were some quite cool art film type sequences of me running around corridors and stuff. Anyway the dream ended we me finding a note he'd written with a room number on. I got to the building and found out that it was a female dormitory... I got to the room to find LB in bed with another woman. Strangely enough I woke up and found it didn't bother me because quite frankly LB isn't like that so it was definitely just a random dream!
