Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Kid Is A Sneak

Yesterday I got on Facebook to do something or other, and I noticed something Very Unusual.

Some geekface (presumably The Kid since he has my Facebook password--I couldn't figure out how to set it up and he helped me) had gotten into my profile and added a bunch of stuff that I most certainly did not.

Exhibit A:
Grad School: Shorter Tech '06 (Shorter Tech?! That's the best you could come up with The Kid?!), Shortness Professional Counselor, Shortness Appreciation. (Apparently that part was my degree.)

Exhibit B:
On every aspect of my profile such as "favorite movies" "favorite quotes" "favorite TV shows" and "about me" The Kid has added a line that says:


Exhibit C:
Once a week or so, when I log into Facebook I notice that someone (Alex) has changed my status to simply read "short". (For those of you who don't use Facebook, this means that whenever someone logs on to my page they see something that says "Jenna is -----" and then I type in whatever I am. On the days The Kid hacks in, it says "Jenna is short.")

And so, members of the Jury, I vote for stringing The Kid up by his toenails. When I called last night to "bawl him out" he pretty much just laughed at me. I tried to get his password so I could hack into HIS Facebook, but he wouldn't give it to me.

Pops has is. Mommy has it. The Brother has it.

Dad won't give it to me, he says I'd have to do something really nice to get it out of him. That's not likely to happen anytime soon. Mom, cute as she is, has forgotten the password and so she's absolutely no help. And The Brother wouldn't answer his phone when I called.

The Kid is pretty much a sneak and he should be monitored at ALL TIMES.


  1. And the funny thing is... my password is written on a piece of paper on the desk directly in front of you when you sit down at Dad's computer. It says,


    I'm not really sure why... I just noticed that yesterday.

    I think people are probably confused too, because you call me "The Kid," then over on the right you say "Coolyguy's Blog," sometimes you call me "Little Man," and on very rare occassions you use my real name, which I won't grace your blog with it's presence at this moment. You should probably clear all that up for everyone...

    So what is a stacked bob haircut, anyway?

  2. It sounds like it's time to change your facebook password!
