Monday, February 05, 2007

The Kid Wants Fame And Fortune

After reading The Kid's comment on my last post ("The Kid Is A Sneak"), it is clear to me that aside from being a sneak, The Kid wants only one other thing: fame and fortune.
He seems to think that I am the person to give him said fame and fortune, too.
Allow me to post his comment here for our general edification and subsequent analysis.
"And the funny thing is... my password is written on a piece of paper on the desk directly in front of you when you sit down at Dad's computer. It says, "Alex ------" I'm not really sure why... I just noticed that yesterday. I think people are probably confused too, because you call me "The Kid," then over on the right you say "Coolyguy's Blog," sometimes you call me "Little Man," and on very rare occassions you use my real name, which I won't grace your blog with it's presence at this moment. You should probably clear all that up for everyone... So what is a stacked bob haircut, anyway?"
First of all, The Kid, a stacked bob haircut is what I have now. But you probably don't know what that looks like since you haven't seen me in ages becaue I live in Texas and you live in Iowa. So come visit. Now.
I'm waiting; why aren't you here yet?!
Second of all, the whole password by Pops' computer does me no good at all since that's up in Iowa and I already tried to strong-arm Pops into telling me your password. He refused. (And he was laughing while he did it, too.)
And third and most important, it is clear that The Kid intends to get his fame and fortune from having this whole business of his multiple nicknames cleared up. On my blog. On the internet. For, like, the entire world to see.
(Because we know that SO many people read this blog...)
To make an excessively long story a little bit shorter, The Kid has always had tons of nicknames. (Well, actually, mostly since I've been in college and gotten weirder by the day.)
Back in 1988, Pops and Mommy named The Kid Alexander Douglas Laird. That was back when he was born and we just called him Alex until he was older and we all knew better.
Some of his earliest nicknames were extremely affectionate. We called him Pukeface, Puker, and The Puke after he threw up for about two days in the Boundary Waters back in 2003. (He pretty much got dehydrated and then started barfing all the time.) It grossed me out a lot and I was kind of a mean sister then, so I started calling him Pukeface. Naturally that ticked of Pops a lot but, unfortunately, the nicknames stuck for about two years.
We began calling The Kid "Little Man" around that same time. We got it Homestar Runner when he says to Homsar "What do you have to say for yourself, little man?"
The Kid was the shortest one of us all then, so it fit pretty well. He is no longer the shortest one of us all; I will not divulge who actually IS the shortest.
Sometime inbetween Little Man and The Kid, Coolguy originated. Not really sure where that came from, the The Kid is pretty much a cool guy.
And...somebody started calling him The Kid, and it's pretty well stuck. We probably said something like, "Hey, where is that weird kid?" and...well, the rest is history.
So there you have it, faithful reader, Alex=Pukeface (et al)=Little Man=Coolguy=The Kid.
No one is allowed to be confused any more, and now The Kid can be happy since he is probably about as famous as he's ever going to be.
The end.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot his first nickname, which he had from about birth to age 4, which was simply "Baby". Oh, and also, "Ali" when he was like 13 or something.
