Monday, February 12, 2007


I was just informed that I am to be "introduced" today.  I do not care to be introduced, especially as I am dressed rather unfortunately today. 
I got up at 6:00 and decided that was a bad idea, so I reset my alarm for 7:00. I was out the door by 7:30.  In that small amount of time I managed to put my shirt on backwards, not be able to find the correct color of stockings, and screw  up my hair.
I am currently wearing the incorrect color of stockings.  I did manage to rectify the shirt on backwards bit, although I was tempted to just leave it as it was.
With only 45 minutes until The Introduction, it is imperative that I run to the ladies room and freshen up before strange images of myself get beamed via sattellite from San Fransisco to London and back again.
It's Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa!

    That sounds kinda dramatic. Tell us all about it!

