Monday, February 12, 2007

Stalking and Other Adventures

Joey says it's only stalking if you get caught.

This afternoon, when I was at that place that I go to during the day (ahem), I decided to see what would happen if I googled Charles Ryrie.

I got his address and phone number.

So I googled that to see where it was. Fancy that, it was a block off my route home! So of course I told my Sister and my husband The News.

After dinner Joey and I decided to google some other "famous" people down here. Our searches were to no avail. So we got on the DTS Stalker-Net and found one address worth checkin' out. (We actually found two, but the other was in Frisco and there ain't no way we're drivin' to Frisco just to stalk.)

Howard Hendricks, as it turns out, lives less than a mile from us. Right across the highway! We thought that was about the sweetest thing since sliced bread, so we drove by his house first.

Then we headed down a few more miles to drive by Ryrie's place.

Super weird. Super weird.

Oh, and as far as Other Adventures, my "introduction" went pretty good this morning. They made me sit right to the left of the guy the camera was focused on, but by the time my little face got satellite beamed all over the place, I looked pretty small and fuzzy.

Which was a good thing.

I had abolished the coffee breath by a good long teeth-brushing, Listerine, and a piece of gum, but naught could be done for the pouffy hair. (That'd be my own fault for getting up 30 minutes before I had to leave....)

And thus ends my Monday.

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