Sunday, March 18, 2007

George Has Reincarnated

While not myself a Hindu, George Foreman might possibly be.

(The one on my gadget shelf in my kitchen, that is. The real one named all his kids "George", so I don't know what that makes him except rather self-absorbed.)

But I digress.

Several weeks ago George died in the middle of dinner. This was a sad state of affairs as my dinner menu for the next week relied heavily on George. I was forced to change my Plan and, as those of you who know me well know, that didn't go over very well.

Joey and I have suffered without George. We have noticed his absence most notably when wanting to make burgers and it is raining outside, or something along those lines.

After pricing George, we determined that he was Not In The Budget right now. And probably wasn't going to be for awhile, which caused us great grief and pain. How we missed our good friend George.

But then, surprise!, we came into some surprise money this weekend. (Thanks Grandpa and Grandma...) We determined that the best course of action was to go to the store and buy ourselves a new George.

My last George was a hand-me-down (thanks, Michele!) that I got for Christmas about five years ago. He served me/us well. However, we determined that we needed one with removable plates, our first George was pretty hard to clean.

After waiting for 30 minutes in Kohl's for the manager to confirm that no, they did not have the George we wanted, we went to Bed Bath and Beyond.

We found the perfect George, took him home, gave him a bath, and put him to work for dinner.

Isn't he shiny, silvery and high-tech looking? We're quite proud of our new and improved George, hopefully George the Second serves us as long as George the First.
(Henry likes George, especially now that we've used him to make burgers. I haven't caught Henry licking it yet, but if I do he'll be in Big Trouble.)

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