Sunday, March 18, 2007

Ziggy the Piggy

When purchasing George the Second, I saw this little pig at the checkout stand.

"OH JOEY! Look at this pig." I stuffed the pig in Joey's face.

"That's a pretty cool pig," Joey said, examining him.

"Can I have him?" I asked, pushing the little silver button on his back. He oinked and the blue LED light inside his snout came on.

"WOAH! COOL!" I freaked out. I continued making him oink and shining his light at Joey's face and on George the Second's box.

Joey, feeling rather benevolent said, "How much is he?"

I looked around for the price tag and couldn't find one. "I don't know," I said.

I handed him to the sales lady and asked her to ring him up for me to see how much he cost.

She looked at me with a bored look, zapped his tag and said, "$2.50"

Aside: Not entirely sure if she was bored with her job, us, or just positively disdainful that I was freaking out so much over an oinking LED pig key chain. It's really a toss up.

"OK, you can get him," Joey said.

"Yessssss!" I crowed, and oinked the pig. "I'm carrying my pig out to the car." I said, grabbing both my new pig and the bag containing George.

As we walked to the car I oinked the pig again and turned to Joey. "What do you think his name is?"

Joey guessed something, can't remember what, that rhymed with "pig".

"Close, but not quite." I said. "His name is Ziggy the Piggy."

Joey laughed. "Nice," He said.

And we walked hand-in-hand to the car. I oinked Ziggy most of the way home. (Which, fortunately, wasn't very far.)

"I'm probably going to steal that guy and take him to work," Joey said as we walked up the steps to our apartment.

"NO!" I gasped.

"The guys would think he was real cool," Joey said.

(I agreed; he IS really cool.) "I suppose you can take him for a day or two," I said, nicely.

I doubt he'll really take him, though. He'd just bought a key chain LED flashlight on Tuesday so I think Ziggy the Piggy is safe with me.

Honestly, though, it's a good thing Joey and I are kindred spirits...otherwise I think I might border on annoying somethings. :)


  1. Two things.

    A.) What does crowed mean?
    B.) Ziggy the Piggy looks pretty sweet!

  2. definitely passed the border with me...:p
