Monday, March 19, 2007

Current Status: Rockin' It Out

"Joey, can I borrow your shuffle while I'm cooking?" I asked about 20 minutes ago.

"Sure," he started digging it out of his desk.

"Can you get it to the new John Mayer CD for me? I can't figure it out." (Granted, I've never tried either, but I like to have him save the day for me as often as possible.)

Quick as a wink Joey had it all set up for me. "It's currently on the last song on the other CD. But I really like that one so I thought I'd leave it there for you."

(It was "Comfortable" and I must admit, I like that song too.)

I gave him a kiss and left him to study his Greek in peace. I went to the kitchen and cranked up my tunes.

Within five minutes, I was most definitely rockin' it out. I'm really glad the neighbors can't see in the windows because they'd have thought I was some kind of iPod fool. (I can't dance around as cool as they do in the commercials.)

Every so often I break out in song before realizing I should probably shut up; Joey's listening to brain-enhancing classical music in the other room. (As opposed to this brain-destroying rock 'n roll I got going on in my headphones.)

Now, if you'll excuse me I need to go start the fixins for my Texas chili and cornbread we're having for dinner tomorrow night. (And a really awesome song is coming up and I need to belt it out soulfully which I definitely cannot do while sitting and blogging.)

I am a pretty major John Mayer fan. Thanks for the CD, The Kid. You are my hero right now.

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