Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Ziggy Prepares To Take It To The Moon

First of all, Sister says I'm annoying.  While this is actually true, I'm still really mad at her. RAR SISTER!
(I'm actually not mad at her.)
On to the real post.
My brother Andrew is pretty much a rocket scientist.  He designs rockets out of objects that aren't meant to be rockets.  (His most recent being a Pepsi bottle.)  He, and Pops, have started a branch of VASA that we like to call RASA.  (The Robins Aeronautic Space Administration, for those of you who can't figure it out.)
He was trying to decide what he needed to make into a rocket next. (My suggestion was a Cheetos bag and he said that wouldn't work.  I think he lacks "can-do" attitude.) 
Ziggy the Piggy's picture, however, sparked ideas.
"Ooh, let's launch Ziggy!"  Andrew suggested.
"That's a pretty good idea," I replied.
"I'll design a payload for him..." and he was off.
Hopefully it's something that won't melt the little chap, but if it does I think it'll be OK.  It's not everyone who has a pig on their keychain who is an astronaut.
We're going to attempt said launching when we're back home in May.  Ziggy's getting pretty excited, he told me so just a few moments ago. 
Take it to the mooooooooooooon, Ziggy!


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