Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Frantic and Having Problems

I just spilled a salt packet all over the place. 
(I wouldn't be surprised if I spilled my soda, too, the way this morning has been going!)
Most definitely it's one of those days where you think you have (had) everything figured out but then you find out that, oh! just kidding!, you don't.  SO......
I've been scrambling since 8:00 to sort myself out.  (Mostly sort out other people's mistakes, but who's counting?)
Have you seen Over the Hedge?  I don't really recommend it, I thought it was super lame, but there's a part where this squirrel drinks caffeine and then runs around like crazy.  (It's the only part that's any good in the entire movie.  Trust me.)
I feel like that squirrel.  (Only I haven't had any caffeine.)
So no amusing blog post today.  Just this super lame one about how I'm frantic.  Actually if I weren't blogging I could probably be getting something accomplished.
Hmm, that sounds like a good idea.

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