Thursday, March 22, 2007

So this morning I very nearly sideswiped a Jaguar on the freeway.
To my defense, said Jaguar did not signal in preparation to change lanes.  I, on the other hand, did.

I was running 7 minutes late because Henry would NOT go to the bathroom.  So I finally gave up and told him he'd have to hold it all day since he was stalling.  (I think he didn't want me to leave.)  I shut him in the kitchen so at least he could play, and ran to my car.  (As fast as my high heels would carry me, that is.)
Anyway, the freeway was packed.  It wasn't moving very quickly, either, so I wanted to change lanes to a quicker one.
Not so much, aparrently, because that sneaky lady in the Jag completely prohibited me from doing so.
Had we actually collided, I don't know whose fault it would have been.  (I don't want to ever find out, either.)  Hitting someone in a Jag is not exactly on my list of priorities.
Not to mention someone driving a classic Jag, which this lady was.
Anyway, I made it without incident.  Let's hope I make it home the same way, too.

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