Thursday, March 22, 2007

Lucky, Lucky Charms

I am a Lucky Charms fan.

When The Kid came last week, he "requested" a box of Lucky Charms for his consumption. I bought the big box because it was cheaper so, as The Kid only ate three bowls, we definitely had extra Lucky Charms after he left. (Mom and Dad did not eat any Lucky Charms as far as I know.)

Joey and I like Lucky Charms too. Actually, back when we were first dating (actually, we may not have technically been dating at that point, the whole beginning part of our relationship is rather ambiguous) and Joey was in Minnesota on his internship, I bought a box of Lucky Charms and picked out every single marshmallow for him.

(I didn't snitch any. It was so hard.)

I packed up the container of marshies and mailed it to him while he was a spending a week as a camp counselor.

Isn't that SO romantic? Awwww.....

But I digress. Here we had this huge, half-eaten box of of Lucky Charms on our counter. I was making dinner tonight and I got bored waiting for it to finish cooking.

"Joey, I'm gonna pick all the marshies out of this box of Lucky Charms, OK?"

"Ooh, OK!"

In five minutes, I had a sorry little pile of marshies (I'd already picked a whole bunch out of the box) that I distributed between two bowls.

"Want some of the cereal in with your marshies?" I asked.

He did, so I put a bit of milk in each bowl and we sat on the couch and ate our sophisticated hors d'oeuvres. They were super tasty.

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