Thursday, March 15, 2007

I Love Panda

The Kid got me the sweetest stuff when he was in Mexico over New Year's.

I got this pink and green knit beanie that strongly resembles a strawberry (The Kid thought, "What kind of person would wear that?!" when he saw it. And then my name popped into his head and so he bought it. I'm not sure if that's bad or good?) and two little tie on bracelets that say "I Love Panda" on them.

Panda is a pop group in Mexico.

I love pandas, too. (I'm still waiting for my panda and bamboo garden from Joey.)

I intend to wear one of my I Love Panda bracelets tomorrow. They're not very, um, how do I put this...professional, but I think I can pull it off.

The outfit I'm wearing tomorrow has been coordinated to match the I Love Panda bracelet so it'll even blend in nicely. This will be an interesting experiment.

Let's hope I don't get voted off the island for doing it.

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