Thursday, March 15, 2007

Henry Gets Shorn

Henry was cute and fluffy up until yesterday evening.

Pops said, "Wow, he looks really fat," when he first saw Henry. As a mother, I was naturally quite peeved.

"He is not either fat, it's just his fur." I retorted.

"Right," said Pops. (And then he got down on his hands and knees and chased Henry around while growling at him. It was a sight to be seen, I'm tellin' you.)

This is a picture of my little puppy BEFORE he was shorn. I suppose one could argue that he does indeed look a bit pudgy.
This is the poor chap now. He looks small, naked and gangly. He also has bad posture.
In another week or so he'll be cute again, but he always looks like someone took a hacksaw to his fur after I'm done giving him his haircut. But it does save a pretty penny and so I'm OK with having an ugly dog for a few days.

Poor little guy.

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