Friday, March 16, 2007

Why This Is A Good Friday

First of all, it's awesome that I thought yesterday was Monday and didn't realize until the end of the day that it was really Thursday.  (That's just like Christmas!)  So tomorrow I get to sleep in and loaf around with Grandpappy and Grandma. 
(I've never actually called him "Grandpappy" before and now that I've done it I probably never will again.  It creeped me out a lot to say that...reminded me of Huckleberry Finn and, while Gramps does own a pair of overalls, I am pretty sure that he always wears shoes and rarely chews on straw.)
Additionally, I am wearing my "I Love Panda" bracelet.  I had Joey tie it on my wrist this morning and I don't think I could get it off if I tried.  No one has noticed it.  I'm considering wearing it until someone says "what's that on your wrist?"  which, around here, could be awhile.
Oh, and I'm eating a peanut butter and sugar sandwich.  Nothing is as good as a peanut butter and sugar sandwich.  (Sorry, mom.)   Well, wait, maybe Lucky Charms...but only if the bowl has tons of marshmallows in it.
I'm sure that you can now see why this is probably the best Friday I've had in a long time.

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