Thursday, March 08, 2007

I Once Was Lost

I was mostly lost from 7:15 a.m. to 8:05 a.m today.
I was "found" for brief moments in the middle (like when I found my first destination by chance), but I'm not sure that's worth much.
Last night, Joey printed me off a map to Dallas Love Field.  (I was dropping off some friends "on my way to work".  On paper it doesn't seem too far at all.)  We decided that Google Maps gave us bad directions, so he said, "Take this road to Midway and go from Midway to..." and that's where I lost him. 
I should have paid more attention.
This morning we got loaded up fine and were on our way.  I turned on Midway like I was supposed to, and that's where it all started going wrong.  I turned the wrong direction on Lemmon, forcing a U-turn (and subsequent sliding of passengers).  I then was in the wrong lane to get on to Mockingbird but switched right before the lane bumps and, thus, saved my tires.
I found the airport (almost by sheer luck), dropped off my passengers, and was set to head south on Cedar Springs.  That road should have taken me right to my destination.
Alas, construction closed it about halfway down.
So I re-routed to Maple.
Again; closed by construction.  And it was 7:45 a.m.
I looked up from my wheel and noticed that I was in a very shady neighborhood, indeed.  And I'd forgotten to lock my doors after dropping my friends off at the airport.
I recognized a street name as I drove by, so I hopped on to it and drove toward the skyscrapers, looking for mine.  I was not seeing it.  Anywhere.  I began to wonder if it had disappeared during the night.
I drove along for another five minutes (by this time it was coming up on 8:00) when suddenly I saw a familar landmark. My heart sunk.  I was the American Airlines Center which I thought was on the opposite side of downtown from where I needed to be.
Not to be put off, I started scanning for familar streets again. Suddenly a sign for the street I was looking for popped over the hill.  I did some seriously dangeresque maneuvering and got from the far right lane to the far left lane in the space of a block.  During rush hour.
I thought I had a 10 minute drive yet, but was pleased to be wrong when I saw my destination looming in front of me the moment I drove up the hill.
I parked rather recklessly (didn't run the car into the wall this time, though, Joey!), and hurried in.
The worst part of being a new resident is being LOST ALL THE TIME!!!

1 comment:

  1. Jenna, Ashley told me about your blog - I am enjoying catching up on your life. I am excited you are at DTS.

    I have just started the blogging thing. But, I think I need to learn from you - mine is all pastoral and serious. But, I guess that's the kind of guy I am. I am still reeling from Fonda Taylor's comment that I was the "Al Gore of youth pastors". Feel free to check out my blog though, it's Give me some tips.

