Thursday, March 08, 2007

The Kid Is Spoiled, Part 2

On the way home from work (which was a long drive--bad traffic) I had a panic moment.

THE KID ASKED FOR A CHERRY PIE AND I FORGOT TO BUY CHERRIES! And I'd forgotten about it until just then.

Priority One When I Get Home: Make The Kid's pie.

(Aside: Joey and I are currently listening to Vanilla Ice's "Ice, Ice Baby" on the iPod and I'm totally into it. I love old school rap.

Joey, on the other hand, looked at me doing my jive-thing and said, "This song is so boring."

"No way," I returned, "These are great tunes."

A few moments later the song was still playing when I heard Joey mutter, "He just said 'take heed'...that was pretty awesome..." but I'm not sure he wanted me to hear him say that.)

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