Saturday, March 03, 2007

The Plan

OK, kids, listen up.

It's 8:50 a.m. on Saturday morning and I've got a Plan. Joey's still asleep so I think I can pull this off, too.

I want to paint the bathroom. Really bad. Ever since we moved from Iowa it has been the room that's driven nuts the most--I HATE WHITE WALLS! Back in Ankeny our bathroom was light and dark brown striped.

I hatched a Plan last night right before I fell asleep.

If I get up early enough I can snitch something from the bathroom, run to Home Despot and pick out a quart of medium brown paint, and some painter's tape and be back and measuring stripes before Joey gets up.

(Assuming Henry doesn't wake him first. I'll probably have to take him with me for safekeeping.)

But why am I wasting time sitting around here telling YOU my plan? I gotta get out of here!


  1. Oh gosh. Is this because I won't let you have any more animals?

    Note to self: do not sleep in on Saturdays!

  2. Thats scary! I hope you haven't given LB any ideas.....
