Saturday, March 03, 2007


I was successful in sneaking off to Home Despot. I managed to get home, dig out the tape, measuring tape, pencil and Henry (who was very good and didn't cry the whole time I was gone!) and sequester the bathroom.

I was sitting Indian-style holding a pencil and the measuring tape when Joey opened the door.

He looked from me to his toolbox (that I had sort of spread out all over the hallway...oops?) and back at me again. He wilted.

"What are we doing?" He asked, half awake.

"Painting stripes on the bathroom walls!" I crowed. Some would say that I have impulsive aspects of my personality.

It took about twenty minutes, but he finally woke up enough to think that yes, painting stripes on the walls was a good idea. (Last time I painted the bathroom he was at work and came home to signs declaring "Don't touch the walls".)

Long story short, a couple hours later we wound up at Home Despot together buying a quart of brown paint for the hearth. By this point he was quite excited about the prospect of painting.

I made lunch, he painted the hearth a deep chocolate brown, and now we're going to go finish striping the bathroom.

Pictures forthcoming.

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