Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Air Conditioner Wars

Yesterday it was 85 degrees outside, at least that many inside, and oppressively humid.  Everything felt damp and sticky.  Not pleasant.  We had our windows open, but the air wasn't even really moving.

Not a good start for the month of April.

As we had Passover Seder last night, we closed up most of the windows (it looked like rain) and walked over to JP and Steph's, matzo balls in hand. 

(I had hoped they'd cool off a bit on the walk, but it was so warm and humid outside that they didn't do none of that.)

The thunder began as we were about halfway there.  Joey and I looked at each other, shrugged, and kept walking.  Hopefully it would rain and break the humidity, but since we walked this was not looking good for us on the way home.

Seder was over at 10:00 and by 10:30 I had finally managed to get Joey to leave.  (He has issues with leaving JP's house.  It's like he loses track of time or something, or just refuses to believe that it's actually time to go...)

It did not rain, nor did the humidity break.  It was a hot, sticky walk back home.

"Can we please turn the air conditioner on?"  I asked.  "JP and Steph had theirs on..."  (I figured if I pulled the JP card, it must might work.)

"No way, I don't want to pay for that yet."  Joey said, staunchly.

I wilted.  (Not only out of defeat, but because the humidity was extremely overwhelming.)

When we arrived home and opened the door, it was hotter and stickier inside than it was outside.  Unable to hold my tongue I said, "Please can't we turn the air on?  It's so hot outside we'll never cool this place down."

"Fine,"  Joey said and marched over to the thermostat.  He then went around and closed all the windows, all the while having a very disgruntled look on his face.

We did not speak more of the air conditioner incident.

This morning at 6:30 I took Henry out to go to the bathroom.  It was freezing outside.  Something had happened to the pressure system in the night and not only was the humidity gone, but the heat had dissipated as well.

I shivered while I waited for Henry, then I snuck inside and turned off the air conditioner.

When we both finally got up 45 minutes later (resetting the alarm and hitting snooze repeatedly are a bad combination) I said to Joey "It'sreallycoldoutsideIguesswedidn'tneedtheaircondionerafterall."

"Wha?"  asked my sleepy husband.

"Well...I were right, we didn't need the air conditioner.  It's really cold outside this morning."

Fortunately he was too tired to say, "I told you so!"


  1. Jenna I can't believe that Joey was the one who didn't want it cooler in the house and you were the one who wanted it on! Usually it is the other way around. at least it is here :)

  2. No, Steven, I'm my father's son. I don't want to pay for it if we don't need it, and we didn't need it. We can always open the windows and get some fans going!
