Thursday, April 05, 2007

Gray Hairs?!?

I'm only 24. Now, granted, Joey will caveat that with, "But you're almost 25! And you're going to be 30 before I am, and 40 and 50..." (And so on until I punch him in the arm.)

We were getting ready for People Search last week and I was brushing my hair for some reason (I rarely brush it, it's too short and doesn't tangle) when suddenly I stopped short.


"What? No way; let me see." He leaned down close to inspect my hairline. "I don't see anything."He snapped a picture for posterity. "You definitely don't have any gray hair, it all looks brown to me." He said, holding the picture where I could see it.

I shifted around the hair a bit and pointed them out again. There they were. One, no, TWO gray hairs.

"Oh," He said. "I see them."

"What am I going to do!!" I moaned. I really like my natural hair color (thanks Mom and Dad) and the thought of dying it and frying the ends just kills me.

"You could pull them out," suggested Joey.

"Brilliant!" I replied and began digging for the tweezers. Once located, I climbed up on the counter for better access to the mirror. (All the while praying that the counter wouldn't fall off the wall.)

I successfully extricated the gray hairs from my scalp. Observe:

While they strongly resemble Henry's fur, there is no doubt that these hairs are gray, or that they came from my scalp.


They came from the exact same follicle, were curly, and not the same texture as my normal hair. This leads me to believe that the entire incident is a freak of nature (quiet, you who are thinking that I'm a freak of nature...) and that I'm probably not going prematurely gray after all.

I probably just have a strange hair follicle with no pigment in it.



  1. Those things are really gray!!! However worst case scenario they come back you can just pluck them out again it's not like it's alot of hairs. it is just two. I wouldn't bout it, besides that will only add to the problem ;-)

  2. I hate to break it to ya, my friend, but it probably is not just a strange hair follicle. I recently had the same thing happen - a couple gray, curly hairs; sitting on the counter; using tweasers to pull them out; showing my husband; putting the hairs against something black to show the gray-ness...
    And you know what, more grew in. And not from the same follicle either! It's ok though. No one else can see them b/c no one else gets as close to your scalp as you do. Although, you are shorter than most people so the top of your head is visible to a lot of people. Hmmm...tough call.

  3. I love the ads you have on here for treating gray hair, etc. I hope you make lots of money by people clicking on them :-)

    Is my hair frizzy on the ends??? (because it is not NATURALLY brown anymore you know).


  4. I think I would be more worried about the wrinkles forming on your forehead in the picture, probably from worrying about those gray hairs!
    Nancy Mom

  5. Gray hair? Look what happened to your Grandfather, and now me. You are next to carry on the family tradition.

    Love ya
