Thursday, April 05, 2007

Country Bumpkin Strikes Again

So lunch today was soups, salads and sandwiches.

I made my sandwich and was over by tomato bisque soup trying to decide what the pasta dish was in the bowl next to the tomato soup.

It looked good, so I got a ladle full and dumped it on my plate.

The fact that I needed a ladle to serve it should have been my first clue. It was some kind of vegetable noodle soup and, once I dumped it on my plate, the broth completely took over. It's in my fruit and leaking through the plate.

It hasn't touched the sandwich yet and of this I am thankful.

I wondered why I got some weird looks when I dumped the "pasta dish" on my I know why. My plate is currently covered in tissues so I can sop up the evidence before any more people see what I've done.

Must throw tissues away now before anybody sees the way I destroy my evidence.

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