Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Henry is a Brat

I frosted cookies with Stephanie on Monday night because Joey was studying and I was trying not to disturb him.

I am not sure if it was actually more distracting for me to leave because I was gone longer than he wanted me to be gone. I got a very whiny phone call after I'd been gone for 45 minutes. I answered the phone and heard, "Where aaaaaaaaaare you, I miss you!" To which I replied, of course, "I'm staying out of the house so you can study."

I get the feeling he'd been sitting at home watching the clock wondering when I was going to get home, what in the world I was doing, and how I could possibly be having any fun at all without him.

(Trust me, sweetie, it is definitely more challenging to have fun without you. But it is possible.)


I have digressed.

I finally got home at 9:10 (2 hours after I left) and Joey was excessively pleased to see me. (In his defense, he had accomplished quite a bit of studying and had even begun on his test. He's a model student.)

Stephanie had sent three cookies home with me, so I gave Joey two of them (for motivation) and sat on the futon to eat mine.

Henry looked up at me, pathetically, with his big, brown eyes as if to say "Mom, can I have some?"
I broke off a little piece of my butterfly cookie and set it on the end of my knee, taunting him. Henry sniffed the air and inched closer to me.

Joey and I were discussing his test and I wasn't paying any attention to the dog. Suddenly, he took a flying leap and dove onto the futon, sliding as he hit the microfiber. He kind of did this sprawl/slide/wipe out, righted himself, shook himself off, and promptly climbed on top of me to try to get my cookie.

"HEY!" I cried. He'd never tried this one before. I held the cookie out of his reach and took his little piece (he hadn't noticed it yet) and scooted it further away from him.

He continued to try to climb me for the cookie.

Knowing full well that I had two "parenting" options (and was probably going to choose the wrong one) I said to Joey, "Grab the camera and take a picture of this. He's totally climbing me to get at my cookie.

(FYI, climbing humans for their food is not allowed in our house. I'm totally going to have to redo all my training after letting Henry regress like that.)

"OHHH! He's so cute!" Joey said. He snapped a picture just as Henry sat down and began looking civilized again.

"Lure him. Wave it in front of his face and see if he climbs you again." So I did...nothing. He did, however, make some really cute faces but he never tried to climb up my arm.

After a few moments I got tired of this, ate my cookie and set Henry on the floor. I then took the small piece I'd saved for him, set it on the floor in front of him, and made him sit there and stare at it.

And stare at it.

And stare at it.

I could tell he really wanted his piece of cookie because he was starting to shake. "GO!" I said, and Henry dove forward and pounced on his cookie.

At least I didn't let him eat the cookie while he was misbehaving, right?

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