Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Things I Do That The Kid Thinks Are Gross

1.  Kiss Joey
The Kid always says stuff like "Give Joey a kiss for me", but we all know that The Kid would think it was gross if he had to do it.

2.  Sit on pats of butter to soften them
This really drives The Kid nuts.  (And The Brother, too.)  I don't like my butter to be hard and unspreadable, so I usually sit on it until it warms up.  (And I will admit that that one is actually sort of gross.)

3.  Pick up Henry's poos
The Kid barely picks up Ernie's poos, much less Henry's.  He thinks it's gross and yet I still do it.

4. Hide in a Dumpster for 45 minutes with a snake and mice crawling around
This was several years ago, but I definitely did it. However, I think that everyone agrees that it was gross. 

Actually the worst part of the whole experience was the trash bag I had over my head (so people wouldn't recognize me if they did open the Dumpster) because after 20 minutes I very nearly passed out from oxygen deprivation.

(Mom said not to put trash bags over my head and I guess didn't listen.)

5.  Eat strange food on a dare
The Kid is always making me eat strange and gross things.  The last thing (don't remember what it was) was extremely raunchy though.  I've blocked it from my memory

And so there you have it.  It's kind of amazing that The Kid will even talk to me.  I'm SOOO gross.

1 comment:

  1. I like it that you have ads at the top about "Kids". I wonder if Alex would like any of the Kid-friendly recipes?? ;-)
