Monday, April 30, 2007

Henry Is Theologically Confused

Our neighbors like to borrow Henry when they go play tennis.  They think it's funny/cute that he freaks out and chases the ball the whole time.  So we told them they could borrow him whenever they wanted.

That was at 2:30 p.m. yesterday.  (Joey and I were going to the store and thought it made more sense for Henry to be playing tennis than sleeping in the kitchen.) 

We got home from the store at 4:00 and Henry was not yet home.

We cleaned the house until 5:00, and Henry was not yet home.

I made dinner, cleaned the veggies, and packed Joey's lunch until 6:00, and Henry was not yet home.

I began to wonder if our neighbors had dog-napped Henry since they like him so much.  Joey began to wonder the same.  We waited until 6:10 before we called over there to see where he was.  (Maybe he ran away when they were playing tennis?)

Our neighbor answered the phone, cheerily as normal.  When asked how Henry was she responded, "Oh, he's just sitting here on the couch with me watching Bishop Jakes!"

Bishop Jakes?!  OY VEY!

"I'll bring him over at 6:30, after this is done."  She said.

Joey and I looked at each other. 

"Is Henry watching a Catholic televangelist?!  Do they make those?"  I asked.

"No, it's much worse than that.  Bishop Jakes one of those Health and Wealth guys on TBN or something like it." 

We shuddered.  There's nothing worse than one of those big-haired televangelists on TBN who just want to sock it to you and take your money and run. (After they "heal" someone's broken arm and slay a few people in the spirit, of course)

"Does Henry know where we keep the checkbook?"  I ventured.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't worry I am sure henry knows better after being raised under such good parenting!
