Monday, April 30, 2007

Henry Chills Out

We had this styrofoam cooler from Joey's uncle that we'd brought some milk and scraps for Henry back in. It was sitting on the floor and Henry was sitting by it in a cute "I'm cute, Mom!" sort of way.

My little brain began to think. "Hmm, I wonder if Henry would fit in the styrofoam cooler?"

So I picked him up, took the lid off, and dropped him in. He didn't so much like being in it, but he wasn't struggling either. He just sat there and looked at me, pathetically.

I set the lid on, just to see if he'd try to get out. He didn't, so I took it off again.

"Something's wrong with Henry. He's not struggling in the cooler!" I yelled to Joey who was doing homework.

"What did you do to him? He's where?" Joey asked, and came bounding around the corner with the camera.

"Ohh! Poor guy!" Henry looked at Joey with big, sleepy eyes. "He must be super tired."

He took several pictures of Henry before calling, "Come!"

Henry just sat there, looking at him. "Is he stuck?" I asked.

"I don't think so..." Joey responded, snapping pictures at strange angles.

"I think he needs help." So I picked him up and scratched him behind the ears for awhile before he climbed off me to go flop on the wood floor in the entryway.

He's so lazy.


  1. he probably hasn't been sleeping well because of nightmares of Bishop Jakes trying to take all of his families money. At least he's just as cute when he is tired.

  2. put the cooler on top of him...that's when the fun begins

  3. Sister, WHERE did you get that room divider behind Henry? That's exactly what I want for the Green Room at Mom's house!
