Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Frosting Majesty

Anyone who knows much of anything at all about me knows that I really, really like frosting. A lot. (It is mainly for this reason that The Kid and I snitched cake early at Sister's wedding. We wanted to make sure we consumed the highest quantity of frosting possible.)

Joey and I went to the grocery on Saturday and, lo and behold, I spotted a cupcake with the most frosting I'd ever seen.

"JOEY!" I squealed, "COME OVER HERE!" I pointed wordlessly to the cupcake. The lady behind the counter looked at me like there was something wrong with me.

"Wow, that's a lot of frosting." Joey said. He wound up buying me the cupcake. I discussed its frosting merits for the rest of the grocery store. (He was probably regretting his decision by the time we got to the dairy case.)

We got home and took the cupcake out of its box. It sat on the counter in all its majesty and frostinged greatness.

"We HAVE to take some pictures. What can we use to use for scale? We don't have a ruler." I asked.

Joey pondered this. "A $100 bill?"

We determined that this was rather impractical.

"How about a $1 bill," I suggested.

Joey dug around in his wallet, actually found a $1 bill (cash is kind of a rare phenomenon in our house) and slapped George on the counter by the cupcake.
"OK, now hold it up next to it so it shows how high the frosting goes!" I giggled. (It was like I had a sugar high and I hadn't even eaten any frosting yet.)

Joey cut the cupcake in half. We were so amazed by the cross-section of frosting that we took another picture.
I happily munched the frosting off the top of my half of the cupcake slowly while Joey tried to figure out how to fit his entire half in his mouth at once. It wasn't working.He finally cut half the frosting off the top (OY! A CRIME!) and managed to squeeze enough in his mouth to get a bite. Fortunately he did put the rest of the frosting on the sides of his cupcake (can't waste good frosting) and nothing was wasted.

And I had the sugar jibblies for the rest of the evening. Don't be sad, Mom.

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